
Geotourism is a relatively new branch of tourism dealing with geosites, which are special places that exhibit aspects that characterize the complex history of the Earth. This contribution aims to report an inventory of features of geological interest occurring in the Cayirbagi-Calkoy area in the Eastern Black Sea Region in Turkey. Among these is Cal Cave, a site that attracts local and foreign visitors and can potentially contribute to the development of tourism in the study region. Further, there is a well-developed karstic system in the area. A number of caves and dolines in Cal-Camili Natural Park are a part of this system. There are also volcanic and volcano-sedimentary rocks outcrops in the region. Numerous forms such as dikes, pillow lava, and exfoliation structures show the formation dynamics of rocks and characterize the region. The Şahinkaya Member is among the unique places in the Eastern Pontides region, where the K–Pg boundary can be observed. Along with “pure” geological features, the region also offers visitors many other historical, cultural, and natural resources. Cal-Camili Natural Park was raised to the status of natural park for its biological (plant and wildlife) diversity and the integrity of its landscape. Rising from green forests, the white rocky structure of the Şahinkaya Member stands out against the surrounding dark landscape. The combination of valuable elements of different natures (i.e. geologic, naturalistic, historical) could allow sustainable local development.

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