
In an era of connectivity and automation, the vehicle industry is adopting numerous technologies to transform driver-centric vehicles into intelligent mechanical devices driven by software components. Software integration and network connectivity inherit numerous security issues that open the door for malicious attacks. Software security testing is a scalable and practical approach to identify systems’ weaknesses and vulnerabilities at an early stage and throughout their life-cycle. Security specialists recommend fuzz testing to identify vulnerabilities within vehicle software systems. Nevertheless, the randomness and blindness of fuzzing hinder it from becoming a reliable security tool. This article presents a vulnerability-oriented fuzz (VulFuzz) testing framework that utilizes security vulnerability metrics designed particularly for connected and autonomous vehicles to direct and prioritize the fuzz testing toward the most vulnerable components. While most gray-box fuzzing techniques aim solely to expand code coverage, the proposed approach assigns weights to ensure a thorough examination of the most vulnerable components. Moreover, we employ an input structure-aware mutation technique that can bypass vehicle software systems’ input formats to boost test performance and avoid dropped test cases. Such a testing technique will contribute to the quality assurance of vehicle software engineering. We implemented the proposed approach on OpenPilot, a driver assistance system, and compared our results to American fuzzy lop (AFL) and an unguided mutation-based fuzzer. Within 16.8 h, VulFuzz exposed 335 crashes, 41 times more than AFL and two times more than an unguided mutation-based fuzzer. VulFuzz is explicitly efficient for automotive systems, reaching the same code coverage as AFL but with more exposed crashes and fewer dropped messages.

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