
Common painted pottery from the second Iron Age in Celtic-overrun regions of central and southern France. In central and southern France, during the second Iron Age, two main series of common painted pottery may be mentioned : the Mediterranean and the non-Mediterranean ones. The former comprises Ionian types together with those of the akin Iberian group. The latter, the painted pottery from Languedoc and Cévennes and also that from the Forez region. These wares suggest various problems of chronology, actual importation and possible coexistence of different types. In later days, other kinds of pottery did exist; they are characterized by mixed influences : first and foremost the ovoid « urns » with a white slip (Cévennes, Languedoc and three sites in Spain) then the typical Forezian "olla" which has sometimes been found with Arezzo sherds or with Gaulish « terra sigillata ». In short, the central and southern parts of France have yielded a relative variety of painted pottery types dating back to the second Iron Age.

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