
The article explores the development of Russian culture and education symbolism at the end of ХІХ in a question about Filioque. The prominent Russian thinker V. Solovyov considered that the unity of spirituality of Christian ideal faith was carried out in the unity of catholic and orthodox Christian churches. He doubted the question of division of Character of Vera perception. V. Solovyov notified the ideal of iconographic art, which was fundamental conception of development of Russian artistic culture and education. Semantic Christian character-kernel is an interpretation of our Hail Mary for us. The ideal of this character is incarnated in the divine beginning through the free exploit of man, adding the faith in Godman and God-flesh (Hail Mary) to the faith in God. This ideal was announced by F. Dostoevsky. The trinity of Christian ideal must have become the background for conscious spiritual development of Russia and all humanity. Essence of beauty symbolism is perceived in the actual available phenomena nature and art. The conception of Sofia Wisdoms of God character influenced the development of the Russian artistic culture and modern education. The character overflows in concepts: reasonable essence, Divine Bosom, Eternal femininity, Basis, law of life, reason, connection of God and created World. The character of Sofia is oriented to the Russian culture and education development, as a future and final phenomenon of Deity. As a founder of Russian Christian philosophy V. Solovyov defined subsequent motion of symbolism of Christian ideal in the synthesis of Orthodox, revivalist and comparative trends. We notice positive motion in Russian modern artistic education.


  • Соловьева является основополагающей концепцией развития русской художественной культуры и образования

  • Соловьев оказал влияние на развитие символики блистательных представителей русской культуры и образования – П.А

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СОЛОВЬЕВА В ПРОЦЕССЕ ГУМАНИЗАЦИИ РУССКОГО ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ Статья исследует развитие символики русской культуры и образования конца ХІХ века в вопросе о «Filioque». Что единство духовности веры христианского идеала осуществляется в единении католической и православной христианских церквей. Соловьев оповестил идеал «теургического искусства», который явился основополагающей концепцией развития русской художественной культуры и образования. Триединство христианского идеала должно было стать основой для сознательного духовного развития России и всего человечества. На развитие русской художественной культуры и современного образования повлияла концепция символа Софии – Премудрости Божией.

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