
The aim of present study on spinach beet was to evaluatethe performance of best performing genotypes during roundthe year monthly sowing for two consecutive years in theclimes of northern Indian plains at ICAR-Indian Institute ofVegetable Research, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. The marketablebiomass yield for VRPLK-2 was realized 136-887 q/ha duringround the year sowing which is 56-147% higher than checkvariety All Green because of faster plant growth, 16-33 daysdelayed-bolting habit and 1-2 more number of cutting(s).Overall, the biomass yield of spinach beet was harvestedmaximum during August to November sowing (Autumn &Winter season crop) followed by December to Februarysowing (Spring season crop) and minimum during March toJuly sowing (Summer & Rainy season crop). Higher biomassyield potential, delayed-bolting habit, faster plant growth,more number of cutting, longer cropping period and wideradaptability to different growing conditions & seasons forgenotype VRPLK-2 make it a unique genotype whosegenetic potential could be utilized in breeding programmesto widen the genetic variability towards delayed boltinghabit and to increase the genotypic adaptability in variedclimates in spinach beet.

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