
Abstract Aim According to the clinical sympthoms and radiological findings minimal invasive surgery can be an option to repair an strangulated inguinal hernia. Material and Methods We present the different ways we have used in our Hospital to treat incarcerated inguinal hernia combining endoscopic preperitoneal and laparoscopic approach Results Multiple treatment schemes are possible for inguinal incarcerated hernia. The choice must be made according to the surgeońs experience, patient´s characteristic and the risk of intestinal ischemia. Laparoscopy combined with preperitoneal endoscopic inguinal repair allows us to explore and to treat possible complications of intestinal ischemia with no need of laparotomy. Conclusions Laparoendoscopic techniques are an option to consider when treating an incarcerated inguinal hernia, even if bowel resection is needed. Thanks to laparoscopic approach, laparotomy can be avoided in many cases.

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