
Aim. To explore the archives, to analyze the biographical data and to uncover one of the life periods of the Russian writer Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov (1950-1954), when he studied at the medical-prophylactic faculty of Kazan State Medical Institute.
 Methods. Biographical research methods (writer’s biographic data, the memories of relatives, friends, colleagues, and various records, interviews, etc.), local history (materials of Kazan period of the writer’s life), as well as historical and literary (all information about V.P. Aksenov fit into the context of country’s historical and literary situation) were used.
 Results. The named period of writer’s life was studied in detail. Materials stored in the archives of the Kazan State Medical University, as well as biographical data of V.P. Aksenov, memories and text works that mention the Kazan period of writer’s student life were analyzed. Time of youth, open-mindedness, a desire to live are found side by side with mediocrity, fear of tomorrow and unknown. Harassment, shadowing, exile - all this «tempered and fostered» Aksenov. Friends, family, mainly the mother helped him to fight for his rights, to move on.
 Conclusion. Time spent by V.P. Aksenov on the Volga bank, attending the Kazan Medical Institute largely determined his future career path, formed a worldview and sense of self as a person and a writer; Kazan story of student Aksenov is one of many examples of man’s destiny in the transitional period of life of the state.

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