
THE STUDENT VOICES OF THE CHEMISTRY DEGREE COURSE AT UFRGS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CURRICULAR PERSPECTIVE. The reflections and data presented and discussed in this text represent a portion of the conclusions after an investigation carried out in a master’s research, whose focus was on understanding the curriculum of the training course for chemistry teachers in effect since 2017/2 at UFRGS. The study reported in this article consists of the analysis of the responses obtained from undergraduates through the application of questionnaires. The emphasized issues concern the structure of the course, its disciplines, didactic procedures, teaching strategies, materials, evaluation forms and other aspects aimed at the contribution of specific, pedagogical, and articulating disciplines in the formation of chemical educators. The results indicate maintenance of a curricular matrix that favors academic content taught in the traditional way, but with the inclusion of disciplines characterized by future teachers as essential to the formation of their teaching identity, pedagogical autonomy, and professional development. In addition, there is a disparity between the didactic procedures followed in the different disciplines, which indicates aspects to be prioritized in future reconfigurations of the curricular matrix.

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