
Topicality. Vouching is an integral part of the economy in the whole world, but in Ukraine this form of business organization is staying at the initial stage of its development. There are many international companies that are interested in eco-vouching their services in Ukraine. The eco-start-up "vouching" serves as a corporate strategy of small and medium enterprises. Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is represented vouching, as public private partnership, which can attribute economic privileges to the results of innovation activities. Our research is devoted to the problems of the formation and use the vouching tool in the field of conservation work, advantages and disadvantages of implementing the mechanism of vouching contracts are considered both for the NRF institutions, and for representatives of the private sector of the economics. Research results. The vouching tool can also become a form environmentally oriented business activities, a development vector of cooperation of naturally reserved fund institutions and representatives of the private sector, who want to carry out their activities taking into account environmental imperatives and produce truly ecologically pure products, but first of all corresponding contractual mechanism must be formalized into a legal structure and an independent object of normative-legal regulation. Conclusion. The formation of vouching agreements as legal construct, an independent object of normative and legal regulations in Ukraine and forms of public-private partnership in the reserve area requires detailed and complex analysis not only from the point of view of theoretical and methodological aspects, but the development of effective instruments and mechanisms for implementing such agreements in a practical field as well. Investigation of the vouching, as economic and social method for regulating environmentally directed entrepreneurial activity in the field of conservation, will enable to develop the level and infrastructure of the paid services system, which may be provided by institutions of Naturally Reserved Fund of Ukraine.


  • Vouching is an integral part of the economy in the whole world, but in Ukraine this form of business organization is staying at the initial stage of its development

  • There are many international companies that are interested in eco-vouching their services in Ukraine

  • Investigation of the vouching, as economic and social method for regulating environmentally directed entrepreneurial activity in the field of conservation, will enable to develop the level and infrastructure of the paid services system, which may be provided by institutions of Naturally Reserved Fund of Ukraine

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Метою статті є розгляд ваучингу, як форми співробітництва між представниками приватного сектору економіки та державою, що може стати новим вектором розвитку еколого - інноваційної діяльності. Наше дослідження присвячене проблемам формування та використання інструментів ваучингу в заповідній галузі, аналізу переваг та недоліків впровадження таких договорів, як для установ природно-заповідного фонду, так і для представників приватного сектору економіки. Формування угод екологічного ваучингу, як окремою нормативної конструкції, форми співпраці держави та приватних підприємців, механізму фінансової підтримки бізнес-угруповань у сфері заповідної справи, потребує детального та комплексного аналізу не лише з точки зору теоретичних та методологічних аспектів, але й розробки ефективних інструментів практичної реалізації таких угод. Дослідження екологічного ваучингу, як економічного та еколого-соціального методу регулювання екологічно орієнтованої підприємницької діяльності, у сфері заповідної справи, дасть змогу розвинути інфраструктуру системи платних послуг, що можуть надавати установи природно-заповідного фонду України. There are many international companies that are interested in eco-vouching their services in Ukraine. The eco-start-up "vouching" serves as a corporate strategy of small and medium enterprises

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