
The Omega-deformation is a harmonic trap, penning certain excitations near the origin in a manner consistent with supersymmetry. Here we explore the dynamics of BPS monopoles and vortices in such a trap. We pay particular attention to monopoles in the Higgs phase, when they are confined to a vortex string. Unusually for BPS solitons, the mass of these confined monopoles is quadratic in the topological charges. We compute an index theorem to determine the number of collective coordinates of confined monopoles. Despite being restricted to move on a line, we find that they have a rich dynamics. As the strength of the trap increases, the number of collective coordinates can change, sometimes with constituent monopoles disappearing, sometimes with new ones emerging.


  • The second motivation is more quantum in origin

  • We find that the presence of the harmonic trap endows these confined monopoles with a rich dynamics

  • The upshot is that, in the presence of the trap, only axially symmetric vortex configurations survive. We flesh out this statement in appendix A, where we show that the dynamics of vortices can be described as motion on the original moduli space in the presence of a potential

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Solitons in a harmonic trap

The theory of interest consists of a U(N ) gauge field Aμ, coupled to a real adjoint scalar φ and Nf fundamental scalars qi. We impose on these fields an external, harmonic trap whose strength is parameterised by ω. The Lagrangian (2.1) admits a number of different soliton solutions depending on the values of v2 and the real-valued masses mi.

Confined monopoles
Monopoles as kinks on the worldsheet
A matrix model for vortex strings
Kinks on the worldsheet
Counting zero modes for confined monopoles
Summary and discussion
A Dynamics on the vortex moduli space
C An index theorem for non-Abelian kinks
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