
Laboratory experiments are reviewed which demonstrate the existence and properties of three-dimensional vortices in Electron MHD (EMHD) plasmas. In this parameter regime the electrons form a magnetized fluid which is charge-neutralized by unmagnetized ions. The observed vortices are time-varying flows in the electron fluid which produce currents and magnetic fields, the latter superimposed on a uniform dc magnetic field B0. The topology of the time-varying flows and fields can be described by linked toroidal and poloidal vector fields with amplitude distributions ranging from spherical to cylindrical shape. Vortices can be excited with pulsed currents to electrodes, pulsed currents in magnetic loop antennas, and heat pulses. The vortices propagate in the whistler mode along the mean field B0. In the presence of dissipation, magnetic self-helicity and energy decay at the same rate. Reversal of B0 or propagation direction changes the sign of the helicity. Helicity injection produces directional emission of vortices. Reflection of a vortex violates helicity conservation and field-line tying. Part I of two companion papers reviews the linear vortex properties while the companion Part II describes nonlinear EMHD phenomena and instabilities.

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