
The structures of confining vortices which underlie pure $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ Yang-Mills theory are studied by means of lattice gauge theory. Vortices and ${Z}_{3}$ monopoles are defined as dynamical degrees of freedom of the ${Z}_{3}$ gauge theory which emerges by center gauge fixing and by subsequent center projection. It is observed for the first time for the case of $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ that these degrees of freedom are sensible in the continuum limit: the planar vortex density and the monopole density properly scales with the lattice spacing. By contrast to earlier findings concerning the gauge group $\mathrm{SU}(2),$ the effective vortex theory only reproduces 62% of the full string tension. On the other hand, however, the removal of the vortices from the lattice configurations yields ensembles with vanishing string tension. $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ vortex matter which originates from Laplacian center gauge fixing is also discussed. Although these vortices recover the full string tension, they lack a direct interpretation as physical degrees of freedom in the continuum limit.

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