
Low frequency dynamics of electrostatic fluctuations in stronglymagnetized plasmas have been studied. It was found that perturbationsin density and potential can be very localized, indicating theapplicability of an approximate description based on a finite numberof vortices. A model based on a few isolated vortical structures isdiscussed, with particular attention to vortex collapse, where threevortices merge together within a finite time, or to the converseprocess, i.e. a vortex explosion. Details of these particular types ofvortex dynamics depend on the actual model used for describing theelectrons, the presence of a Debye shielding in particular. A“boomerang”-type of evolution was found,where three shielded vortices expand initially, just as theirunshielded counterparts, but eventually the expansion is arrested, andthey start converging to collapse ultimately. The study is extended bya numerical simulation where the point model is relaxed to acontinuous, but localized, vorticity distribution with finite sizevortices.

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