
view Abstract Citations References Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Von Neumann-Richtmyer Method for a Steady Shock. Evans, John H. Abstract When one attempts to solve the partial differential equations describing the flow of a compressible fluid, it is found that an analytic solution can be found for special cases only. Hence, one turns to numerical procedures. To test the validity of the method of approximating solutions to differential equations by numerical procedures, we apply the method to equations which have known solutions for given conditions. The problem is that of fluid motion in a region where there is a single steady shock. The method is that of Von Neumann and Richtmyer (Richtmyer, R. D., Difference Methods for Initial Value Problems, Chap. X) which introduces frictional forces into the equations by use of a pseudoviscosity term. The agreement of the numerical integration and the analytical solution is better than within 1 %. It is hoped this will open a method for the more exact study of shock phenomena in astronomical situations. Publication: The Astronomical Journal Pub Date: 1965 DOI: 10.1086/109555 Bibcode: 1965AJ.....70Q.675E full text sources ADS |

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