
Abstract As economic actions generate questions about justice ( =ethically relevant fact), the duty of economicethical reflection consists in contributing to the search for answers to these questions. Justice is a complex ethical term, therefore the question for the ))right« idea of justice needs to asked. In doing so we give reasons for our view that justice cannot be defined without considering aspects of solidarity, thus emphasizing a specific perspective within theological ethics. Thereby we discuss interpretations of justice in utilitarianism als well as J. Rawls's theory of justice, which succeeds in making the principle of brotherliness ( = element of Christian tradition) more tangible. Therefore this paper considers a topical economic-ethical problern - justice with or without aspects of solidarity?; the relation between teleology an deontology? and - offers at the same time a mediation ( = equivalence of both disciplines) between ( theological) ethics an economics which is argumentative al weil as furthering understanding und dialogue

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