
The role of the olfactory and vomeronasal systems in mediating odor-stimulated ultrasonic calling, flank marking, and vaginal marking by female hamsters was investigated by selective lesions of either system. Removal of the vomeronasal organ resulted in reduced frequencies of ultrasonic calling by estrous and nonestrous females in response to conspecific odors but it had no influence on either scent marking behavior during the same tests. When tested immediately after separation from a male, ultrasonic calling was not reduced by vomeronasal removal, indicating that such surgery does not cause deficits in calling ability and that the vomeronasal organ specifically mediates odor-stimulated calling. Zinc sulfate treatment of the olfactory mucosa led to reduction in the frequency of ultrasonic calling, flank marking, and vaginal marking in response to conspecific odors. Females' ability to discover buried food was also impaired by this treatment. Thus, the stimulation of both scent marking behaviors due to the perception of conspecific odors appears to be mediated primarily by the olfactory system, whereas stimulation of ultrasonic calling is mediated by both olfactory and vomeronasal systems.

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