
Abstract. Multidimensional study of problems of formation of tolerance, tolerant interrelationship between people, understanding of the essence of the notion and components of the phenomenon of tolerant interaction became a sufficient scientific basis for the definition and development of the pedagogical condition according to which the effectiveness of professional training of a social worker to the tolerant interaction in conditions of inclusive environment. The aim of the article is the theoretical substantiation and the development of pedagogical condition for the improvement of the state of readiness of specialists to tolerant interaction in conditions of inclusive environment. The participation in public events, actions and flashmobs unites students’ group, creates the sense of cohesion and execution of one common case, aimed at highlighting of different social problems and, in particular, the problems of people with invalidity. After all, volunteering allows to master the position of active citizen, to determine own possibilities and ways of social self-realization regardless of social status, education, level of health, etc. Moreover, the professional preparation of future social workers will be effective, when volunteers’ work will take place in institutions of higher education and the volunteers’ detachment of social direction will work, and the main activity of this detachment will be directed on work with people with invalidity. In general due to active volunteers’ work in inclusive environment students get the development of communicative knowledge, skills and abilities connected with work with people with invalidity, the experience of business communication and business behavior, deeper knowledge about socio-pedagogical and psychological problems, which may have people with invalidity, self-development and self-realization of personality as a result of awareness and learning the socially active behavior, self-assertion in the result of providing support and assistance to people who need it. As a result of realization of pedagogical condition «attraction of future social workers to voluntary activity in inclusive environment», the organization of voluntary activity as a voluntary detachment will acquire the priority direction in preparation of future specialists and will contribute to formation of readiness to tolerant interaction, foundation of professional perception of the world and will help to do a personal contribution in the solution of social problems. After all, the level of readiness of future specialist to perform his professional duties is determined by the level of formation of his professional and personal qualities as a specialist.

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