
The article discusses the multiple possibilities of volunteering in Ukrainian society today, the need for its active presence in various spheres of life, in different strata of society. The main content of the study is an analysis of state of volunteering, as a type of a platform for promoting changes in problematic areas of life. Volunteer groups (units) are often the initiators of changes, also carriers and conductors of noticeable improvements on different levels, including personal, of an organization, community’s, governmental and international. The author presents the core life values as the basis of volunteering, as well as the fundamental principles of it and its main motivation. Thankfully to volunteer movement`s activists, volunteer activity in Ukraine improves every year and, and currently is supported by the law, is growing, expanding and becoming more diverse. In this paper, the author focuses on the necessity of tight active cooperation of all the participants of volunteer activity, where essential are: a volunteer and a beneficiary, and for better process and results of volunteering are: an engaging organization, the government and a benefactor. With active involvement of all five mentioned sectors the further development and spreading of volunteering is expected. The teambuilding process inevitably occurs, especially when there are clear and unifying goals presented. Willingness and non-profitable nature of volunteering is described in the article, as well as the the multiplicity of volunteer projects and actions, and therefore the importance of its further structuring, development and expansion in all the regions of the country, as well as throughout the world.

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