
In times of contemporary challenges and threats, the aspect of building social resilience throughthe formation of the safety culture, especially at a local level, is of particular importance. Theprocess of its shaping tends to differ in each community. However, the source of success is theopenness and involvement of all actors in a given community (citizens, local authorities, safetyinstitutions and rescue entities or non-governmental organisations). One of the critical and highlycommitted bodies in local communities, especially rural municipalities, are the Volunteer FireBrigades (VFBs). The authors of the article undertook research to determine the extent to whichthe functioning of VFBs influences the shaping of the safety culture of local communities on theexample of the rural municipality of Tomaszów Mazowiecki. The article presents the results ofresearch carried out by means of a diagnostic survey among the inhabitants of this commune. It hasbeen shown that the activity of VFBs is very highly rated and has a significant impact on increasingthe sense of security of the local community. The local community appreciates the openness andinvolvement of the local VFB in various dimensions of functioning of the Tomaszów Mazowieckirural municipality. An important result of the research are also suggestions and recommendationsfor improving the functioning of local VFB units with aim to shape the safety culture in all itsdimensions - organisational, spiritual and material.

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