
The legal foundation indications risks and aftereffects of voluntary male sterilization in the Federal Republic of Germany are discussed and a model informed consent form is supplied. The German legislature removed criminal penalties from the practice of sterilization but left open the question of correct medical practice. The German medical society in response introduced a new provision in its code of professional practice stating that sterilization must be indicated on medical genetic or grave social grounds. The individual doctor must decide to the best of his knowledge and conscience whether any of the 3 criteria are met. There should be a thorough and honest discussion between the doctor and the married couple not just the husband requesting sterilization to ensure that the irreversibility of the procedure is understood and weighed against other contraceptive methods. the only aftereffects for which there is substantial evidence are psychological and it is precisely this sort of discussion that can prevent them. The recommended operative procedure is resection of a 3-4 cm segment of the vas followed by ligation of the ends and histological examination of the resected segment.

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