
An observational study was done to determine voluntary colostrum intake at the first feeding in nipple bottle-fed Holstein heifer calves. Thirty-two Holstein heifer calves resulting from observed births were hand fed using a nipple bottle for a total of 15 minutes at two hours of age. Each calf was offered a maximum of 3 liters (L) total intake. Median colostral intake was 2.34 L with a range of 0.0 to 3.0 L. Ten (31.25%) calves consumed less than 2 L and 14 calves (43.75%) consumed the maximum 3 L offered. Exclusive voluntary intake using a nipple bottle is an inadequate method of colostrum administration unless more rigorous feeding practices than those described are used. Under conditions of limited labor availability, bottle-fed calves should be offered an unlimited volume of colostrum at the time of the first feeding, and tube fed using an oroesophageal feeder if they fail to ingest a minimum of 2 L in a timely manner. This practice improves the likelihood that calves will achieve consistent, adequate passive transfer of colostral immunoglobulins.

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