
The volumetric mass transfer coefficient (KG.a) for SO2 removal from gas mixture into aqueous Na2SO3 solution was studied in a plate column at constant temperature ( 25 , and liquid holdup. The KG.a values were evaluated over ranges of operating independent variables: gas flow rate (QG), SO2 concentration in inlet gas (CSO2, in), and concentration of aqueous Na2SO3 solution (CNa2SO3). The experimental results showed that KG.a decreased with increasing of CSO2, in, increased with increase of QG, and CNa2SO3. The influence of gas flow rate on KG.a is more than the influence of SO2 concentration in inlet gas, and concentration of aqueous Na2SO3 solution respectively. Computer program Statgrhaphics/Experimental design was used to find the linear fitted models of the KG.a in terms of the dimensional and dimensionless of independent operating variables. The QG, CSO2, in, and CNa2SO3 have significant effects on KG.a, while the interactions of them have no significant effects on it, and could be neglected. The R-squared statistic indicates that the model as fitted explains 90.4949% of the variability in KG.a.


  • Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) is presently receiving much attention in many countries

  • The wide spread processes used for this purpose are the wet process absorption where the flue gas absorbed in lime slurries, the additives sometimes are used with slurries to increase the absorption rate, and dry process absorption when limestone and lime injected into the hot flue gas

  • The fitted model with dimensionless independent variables is presented in the following form: KG.a = 2.329 + 0.409 QG – 0.302 CSO2, in + 0.251 concentration of aqueous Na2SO3 solution (CNa2SO3) (4)

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Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) is presently receiving much attention in many countries. The wide spread processes used for this purpose are the wet process absorption where the flue gas absorbed in lime slurries, the additives sometimes are used with slurries to increase the absorption rate, and dry process absorption when limestone and lime injected into the hot flue gas. These processes, besides being non regenerative, create the problem of disposal of large quantities of waste (Dutta, Basu, Pandit, & Ray, 1987; Duric, Omerovic, Brankov, Dzaferovic, & Stanojevic, 2011). In the WL process SO2 is absorbed in an aqueous sodium sulphite solution producing sodium bisulphate: SO2 + SO + H2O ↔ 2 HSO (1)

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