
A set of type curves has been derived for aquifer test analysis in horizontally fractured rock environments by using the volumetric approach. The validity of this approach has been confirmed with the numerical as well as analytical results in the literature concerning the multiaquifer wells that are similar to multihorizontal fracture wells. In the general formulation, each fracture is assumed to have different aperture and roughness. Various simplifications of the formulation are given to cover some theoretical as well as practical interests. The volumetric method relates especially the fracture aperture and roughness to other hydraulic quantities through the type curve expressions. The well storage effect has been taken into consideration and as a result the initial portions of type curves appear as straight lines on the double logarithmic paper that implies power law relation. The final portions of type curves are also straight lines, but on semilogarithmic paper, implying an exponential type of relation. The practical applications of the developed methodology has been presented for the time-drawdown data obtained from the main well that is in horizontally fractured rock aquifer at Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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