
This paper aims to efficiently construct the volume of heterogeneous single-scattering albedo for a given medium that would lead to desired color appearance. We achieve this goal by formulating it as a volumetric style transfer problem in which an input 3D density volume is stylized using color features extracted from a reference 2D image. Unlike existing algorithms that require cumbersome iterative optimizations, our method leverages a feed-forward deep neural network with multiple well-designed modules. At the core of our network is a stylizing kernel predictor (SKP) that extracts multi-scale feature maps from a 2D style image and predicts a handful of stylizing kernels as a highly non-linear combination of the feature maps. Each group of stylizing kernels represents a specific style. A volume autoencoder (VolAE) is designed and jointly learned with the SKP to transform a density volume to an albedo volume based on these stylizing kernels. Since the autoencoder does not encode any style information, it can generate different albedo volumes with a wide range of appearance once training is completed. Additionally, a hybrid multi-scale loss function is used to learn plausible color features and guarantee temporal coherence for time-evolving volumes. Through comprehensive experiments, we validate the effectiveness of our method and show its superiority by comparing against state-of-the-arts. We show that with our method a novice user can easily create a diverse set of realistic translucent effects for 3D models (either static or dynamic), neglecting any cumbersome process of parameter tuning.

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