
An in situ single-crystal high-temperature X-ray diffraction study was performed on clinopyroxene crystals along the jadeite, (NaAlSi2O6 Jd)–diopside (CaMgSi2O6 Di) join. In particular, natural samples of jadeite, diopside, P2/n omphacite and three C2/c synthetic samples with intermediate composition (i.e., Jd80, Jd60, Jd40) were investigated. In order to determine the unit-cell volume thermal expansion coefficient (α V), the unit-cell parameters for all these compositions have been measured up to c.a. 1,073 K. The evolution of the unit-cell volume thermal expansion coefficient (α V) along the Jd–Di join at different temperatures has been calculated by using a modified version of the equation proposed by Holland and Powell (J Metamorph Geol 16(3):309–343, 1998). The equation $$ a_{{{\text{V}}\;(303{\text{K}},1{\text{bar}})}} = 2.68(3) \times 10^{ - 5} + [1.1\left( 1 \right) \times 10^{ - 8} \times X_{\text{Jd}} ] - [7.1\left( {1.7} \right) \times 10^{ - 10} \times X_{\text{Jd}}^{2} ] $$ obtained from the α V at room-T (i.e., α V303K,1bar) allows us to predict the room-T volume thermal expansion for Fe-free C2/c clinopyroxenes with intermediate composition along the binary join Jd-Di. The observed α V value for P2/n omphacite α V(303K,1bar) = 2.58(5) × 10−5 K−1 was compared with that recalculated for disordered C2/c omphacite published by Pandolfo et al. (Phys Chem Miner 1–10, 2012) [α V(303K,1bar) = 2.4(5) × 10−5 K−1]. Despite the large e.s.d.’s for the latter, the difference of both values at room-T is small, indicating that convergent ordering has practically no influence on the room-T thermal expansion. However, at high-T, the smaller thermal expansion coefficient for the C2/c sample with respect to the P2/n one with identical composition could provide further evidence for its reduced stability relative to the ordered one.

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