
AbstractA multiplexed electrochemical platform has been designed for electrochemical screening applications, such as bacteria detection. It includes 16×16 electrochemical cell array in a two‐electrode mode fabricated by a combination of screen printing, inkjet printing, and flash‐light sintering techniques wherein each cell is addressed sequentially by a portable multiplexer potentiostat. This multiplexer unit is capable of making a total of 256 independent voltametric measurements that were validated by performing cyclic voltammetry in two‐electrode mode using four different redox mediators: [Fe(CN)6]3−/4−, FcMeOH, Ru[(NH3)6]Cl3 and K2[IrCl6]. The smart design and the use of mass production techniques makes the multiplexer device applicable for numerous electrochemical applications including health, food, and environmental monitoring.

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