
AbstractThis work is focused on the application of a silver solid electrode (AgE) for the development of modern voltammetric methods for the determination of submicromolar concentrations of biologically active compounds present in the environment. 8‐Nitroquinoline (8‐NQ), a well‐known chemical carcinogen, was chosen as a model substance. Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) was used to study electrochemical behavior of 8‐NQ in different aqueous matrices. The following optimal conditions for determination of 8‐NQ in the concentration ranges from 2 to 100 µmol L−1 were used: BrittonRobinson (BR) buffer of pH 3.0, the regeneration potentials cycles (Ein=−1000 mV, Efin=−100 mV) and constant cleaning potential −2000 mV. Practical applicability of AgE for the determination of micromolar concentrations of 8‐NQ was verified on model samples of drinking and river water.

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