
ABSTRACTWe systematically predict the internal flexibility of the S3 segment, one of the most mobile elements in the voltage-sensor domain. By analyzing the primary amino acid sequences of V-sensor containing proteins, including Hv1, TPC channels and the voltage-sensing phosphatases, we established correlations between the local flexibility and modes of activation for different members of the VGIC superfamily. Taking advantage of the structural information available, we also assessed structural aspects to understand the role played by the flexibility of S3 during the gating of the pore. We found that S3 flexibility is mainly determined by two specific regions: (1) a short NxxD motif in the N-half portion of the helix (S3a), and (2) a short sequence at the beginning of the so-called paddle motif where the segment has a kink that, in some cases, divide S3 into two distinct helices (S3a and S3b). A good correlation between the flexibility of S3 and the reported sensitivity to temperature and mechanical stretch was found. Thus, if the channel exhibits high sensitivity to heat or membrane stretch, local S3 flexibility is low. On the other hand, high flexibility of S3 is preferentially associated to channels showing poor heat and mechanical sensitivities. In contrast, we did not find any apparent correlation between S3 flexibility and voltage or ligand dependence. Overall, our results provide valuable insights into the dynamics of channel-gating and its modulation.

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