
The chemical composition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil gases from the Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei, Italy) was analyzed to investigate the effects of biogeochemical processes on gases discharged from the hydrothermal reservoir and released into the atmosphere through diffuse degassing. The chemistry of fluids from fumarolic vents, which represent preferential pathways for fluid uprising, was also reported for comparison. Oxidation–reduction and hydration–dehydration reactions, as well as microbial activity, strongly affected the composition of C4–C9 alkanes, alkenes, S-bearing compounds and alkylated aromatics, especially in those sites where the soil showed relatively low permeability to uprising fluids. Other endogenous organic compounds, such as benzene, phenol and hydrofluorocarbons were able to transit through the soil almost undisturbed, independently on the gas emission rate. Products of VOC degradation mainly consisted of aldehydes, ketones, esters, ethers and, subordinately, alcohols. Cyclic compounds revealed the occurrence of VOCs produced within sedimentary formations overlying the hydrothermal reservoir, whereas the presence of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) was likely related to air contamination. The results of the present study highlighted the strict control of biogeochemical processes on the behavior of hydrothermal VOCs that, at least at a local scale, may have a significant impact on air quality. This information could be improved by laboratory experiments conducted at specific chemical–physical conditions and in presence of different microbial populations.

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