
The present study aims to research and compare the process of the development of stage skills in music and theater college students and vocal-performance skills in future actors to identify the most effective model of vocational training of musical actors which appears to be up-to-date and in demand due to the development of the sphere of culture and entertainment, as well as increased competition among musical theatres and musical actors. The object under study is the process of the development of stage skills in students of musical and theater and acting colleges in the context of professional requirements for musical actors. The study compares the processes of professional realization and the development of stage skills in future musical theater actors and the training of actors in vocal performance to prepare them for creative work in the genre of musicals. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of the specific characteristics of vocational training of future musical theatre actors, the identification of the specific characteristics of stage skills development in future musical actors, and the formulation of major professional requirements for training future actors for work in musical performances. The practical significance of the work is due to the fact that the study results can be used by teachers to improve the vocational training of musical actors, as well as by theater managers and producers in the selection of artists to participate in musicals.

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