
Amalia Rodriguez Somolinos : Voire, truth modalisation and reinforcement of an assertion (14th-16th centuries). This article gives a semantic and argumentative description of voire in Middle French, as well as in 1 6th century French. Voire is an epistemic modality marking truth and the reinforcement of an assertion. That is the main semantic value ofthe marker throughout its different uses. Voire modalizes a previous assertion, reinforcing its certainty and marking an agreement with a point of view expressed by the addressee or by the speaker himself. In certain contexts, the marker can also express disagreement or doubt. The intrasentential use, strongly assertive, becomes characteristic of this period. Intrasentential voire can point backwards. It confirms then a previous discourse produced by the speaker himself. When it points forwards, voire asserts the truth and reinforces the assertion of a discourse element that follows. It underlines thus a progression of intensity.

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