
The specimen consisted of a 1‐cm‐diam monocrystal silicon sphere. Voigt elastic stiffnesses C11, C12, C44 were determined from the macroscopic eigenvibration frequencies. The Cij results agree closely with previous measurements by conventional acoustic methods. The internal frictions Q−1 were determined for two nondegenerate eigenfrequencies. One depends only on the shear modulus C44. The other, composed of 0.64C11+0.32 C12+0.04 C44, is nearly independent of C44. Granato–Lucke plots of ln e Q−1 vs ln e−1 showed two regions. The higher strain region showed a slope of approximately 3.5 times that of the lower strain region. A dislocation‐model explanation will be offered for higher Q−1 at higher e.

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