
Investigations were conducted to determine the condition and stability of the existing decline at a mine in the Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. During the inspection of the decline, voids were identified behind the concrete lining on the hangingwall and sidewalls over a total linear distance of 230 m. The voids did not provide confinement and, as a result, self-mining was occurring behind the lining. Water was flowing into the decline, over a total linear distance of 100 m, at areas where the decline intersected incompetent rock units, causing softening of the concrete lining and deterioration of the surrounding rock mass. Further damage to the concrete lining was caused by expansion and contraction of the wet red clay unit. Remedial work comprised void filling and water sealing to prevent further deterioration of the decline and ensure that it remained operable for the remainder of the life of mine. Void filling was accomplished by drilling rows of holes along the decline to access the voids and filling the voids with foam. This was followed by the sealing with polymer fluids. Telescopic pipes were also installed to allow water to drain off. A visual inspection was conducted and check-holes were drilled to assess the quality of the remedial work. The void filling material had penetrated cracks in the concrete lining, and areas where voids were intersected by check-holes were re-filled. Additional holes were drilled to re-seal areas that were still wet. The remedial work was completed successfully, as all voids were filled and stability achieved without compromising the concrete lining. The ingress of groundwater was also reduced to some residual dampness.

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