
Maritime is an essential profession for both our country and the world. 80-90% of the world trade volume is carried out through the seas and naturally seafarers. The most important part of the maritime profession is undoubtedly education. It is known that education at international standards in the field of maritime is provided by the standards of training certification and watchkeeping (STCW), published by the international maritime organization (IMO), and the flag state carries out the inspections. In order to receive undergraduate and associate degree education in the field of maritime in our country, it is necessary to enter the university exam and choose the relevant department of the university and win. The study aims to understand better the education and career paths chosen by maritime transportation management engineering students. This study aims to determine the preference tendencies of the students who prefer this department in universities that provide education in the maritime transport management engineering department and examine the professions that the students choose outside the department. As a result of the evaluations, the most popular preferences among the students who won maritime transportation management engineering were computer engineering, ship machinery management engineering, electrical-electronic engineering, and nursing departments. The increase in the score in the YKS exam has had a significant and negative effect on the rate of students choosing maritime transportation management engineering. The data in this study were obtained from the YÖK Atlas database.

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