
Vocalizations of Belding's ground squirrels ( Spermophilus beldingi) were recorded during the summer of 1982 near Tioga Pass in the central Sierra Nevada of California. Sonagrams were made and call parameters were measured. Discriminant function analyses revealed that multiple-note calls (‘trills’) differed acoustically depending on whether they occurred in response to a predator, or were given by males following copulations. The post-copulatory trills of males were individually distinctive. Among anti-predator trills there was no evidence of predator-specificity within the narrow range of predators tested: trills given to two species of (stuffed) weasels ( Mustela), to dogs and to humans were statistically indistinguishable. Sonagrams of trills occurring in agonistic contexts suggest that a third general category of trills may exist, but agonistic trills were more variable than either anti-predator or post-copulatory trills. The ground squirrels also gave single-note calls in the three contexts described above, either repetitively (‘chirps’) or singly (‘whistles’). Neither chirps nor whistles encoded any obvious situation-specific information, except that whistles were typically associated with rapidly-moving predators, usually raptors. The post-copulatory chirps of males were individually distinctive. Vocalizations of Belding's ground squirrels may not vary among contexts as much as do the analogous calls of California ground squirrels ( S. beecheyi).

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