
The Nyanza region of western Kenya is lauded for impressive coverage of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) and remains the bedrock of the VMMC program in Kenya. We conducted literature review on programmatic successes and challenges of implementing VMMC program in the region. Responsive stakeholders' engagement, robust policy environment, effective technical working groups, prompt capacity building of health facilities, government support, flexible implementation strategies, and sustained donor funding contributed to the successes of the program that saw circumcision prevalence in Nyanza reach between 75.6 and 85.3% among 15-29-year-olds by 2019. However, the lack of support for early infant circumcision, inadequate domestic financing, and slow pace of service integration into government health facilities continue to undermine the progress towards sustainability. While local ownership of the VMMC program has been demonstrated through its inclusion in county annual health workplans and progressive integration into routine health care, continued dependence on declining external funding threatens its sustainability. Furthermore, Kenya is experiencing a youth bulge with a projected high demand for VMMC which calls for increased resource inputs into the program. Strategies are therefore needed to increase domestic resource inflows into VMMC.

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