
Turbo codes are error correction codes that are widely used in communication systems. Turbo codes exhibits high error correction capability as compared with other error correction codes. This paper proposes a Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) architecture for the implementation of Turbo decoder. Soft-in-soft out decoders, interleavers and deinterleavers is used in the decoder side which employs Maximum-a-Posteriori (MAP) algorithm. The number of iterations required to decode the information bits being transmitted is reduced by the use of MAP algorithm. For the encoder part, this paper uses a system which contains two Recursive convolutional encoders along with pseudorandom interleaver in encoder side. The Turbo encoding and decoding is done using Octave, Xilinx Vivado, Cadence tools. The system is implemented and synthesized in Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC).Timing analysis has been done and GDSII file has been generated.

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