
The objective of this work is to present and ponder the experience lived in the Supervised Internship I of the Undergraduate Computer Science course - UECE, in a qualitative way, which was carried out in an elementary school, located in the city of Mombaça, in the central hinterland of Ceará, with emphasis on the final years of elementary school. As a mandatory component of the Undergraduate curriculum, this was the first of four mandatory internships. It was directed, in this first stage, to the observation of the operation of the school unit, the interrelationships of its components, the environment, and the school infrastructure. We noticed a worrying level of neglect and technical unpreparedness when it comes to the introduction of technologies in municipal education and the maintenance of the laboratories' infrastructure. Finally, the observation showed several challenges in the use of technologies in municipal education. Educational software to help teachers is not used because there are no professionals (monitors or teachers) in the computer labs who are qualified to use it. Having someone qualified is essential to unite the technical and pedagogical environments, guiding how to use the available resources. I hope that with this report of experiences that occurred during the internship, other students and the educational community can contribute something to their training.

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