
Despite being phenomena that have been taking place in the home for centuries, intra-family abuses and violence represent a quite recent “social discovery” highlighted by a series of transformations that have characterized the last fifty years of Western history, including: the decrease of the patriarchal structure in the family and the loss of authority of the father figure, the affirmation of women's rights and their roles in extra-domestic frameworks, changes in the relationships between parents and children, the increase of fragile interpersonal bonds marked by loosen, liquid, toxic relationships. Starting from these considerations, this paper intends to focus on domestic violence, a “vulnus” that today represents the second most widespread form of child abuse in Italy and has its roots in gender-based violence. Finally, it will be analyzed what contribution can be given by formal, non-formal and informal education to prevent and combat this phenomenon by preparing training courses aimed at promoting interpersonal and inter-gender relationships based on dialogue, comparison, reciprocity and respect for otherness.

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