
Abstract Purpose To report a rare case of vitreous haemorrhage and retinal vasculitis secondary to cat scratch disease, caused by Bartonella henselae. Methods A 42‐year‐old apparently healthy farmer presented with a 5‐day history of blurred vision in his right eye. Right visual acuity was 20/25. Slit‐lamp examination of the right eye revealed mild vitreous haemorrhage and diffuse retinal haemorrhages in the middle‐peripheral retina. The left eye was unremarkable. Fluorescein angiography showed signs of retinal vasculitis in the right eye. The patient owned several cats, but had no history of cat bites or scratches. Results A blood sample taken on the day of admission revealed the presence of IgM (titre=1:40) and IgG (titre=1:80) to B. henselae. Accordingly, the diagnosis of cat‐scratch disease was made. The retinal vasculitis resolved after 8 days of therapy with oral azithromycin. Conclusion Apart from neuroretinitis, the ocular complication associated with cat‐scratch disease may include vitreous haemorrhage and retinal vasculitis.

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