
Vitiligo, an autoimmune disorder characterized by localized and/or generalized depigmentation of the skin and/or mucous membranes, is a well-recognized entity. The imperatives of its epidemiology both in rural India and in global reckoning have been highlighted frequently. Its morphology is striking and is characterized by asymptomatic ivory/chalky white macule(s) that may be frequently surrounded by a prominent pigmented border, the 'trichrome vitiligo'. However vitiligo may have morphological variations in the form of: trichrome, quadri-chrome, penta-chrome, blue and inflammatory vitiligo. Its current topographical classification into segmental, zosteriform and nonsegmental, areata, vulgaris, acrofacialis and mucosal represent its well acclaimed presentations. Its adult and childhood onset is well appreciated as also its presentation in males and females. Occasionally, it may be possible to identify triggering factors. Vitiligo may be associated with cutaneous, ocular and systemic disorders, the details of which are discussed in this article.

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