
The present review highlights that a significant proportion of the studies incorporated in the analysis demonstrate that the administration of vitamin D may be a preventive measure in ameliorating insulin resistance among pediatric patients with obesity, but it is advisable to implement a prolonged intervention with a substantial sample size and perform micro-level analysis at the gene level to evaluate the impact of vitamin D treatment. • Childhood obesity and its associated metabolic disorder is a concerned global problem. • Several studies showed an association of vitamin D deficiency with adiposity- induced metabolicdisorders which are still controversial. This study focused on finding interlink between vitamin Dsupplementation with obesity induced insulin resistance in children and adolescents. •This study supports that high dosage of Vitamin D in long term may be protective against insulinresistance in obese paediatric individuals. •A new factor is also reported in the study that vitamin D may alter the composition of gut microbiotawhich represents a compelling approach to the therapeutic management of obesity and diabetes.

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