
Background: There is sparse research on Vitamin D levels in children and adolescents with autism and ADHD from India, hence the need for this study. Aims and objectives: To assess the profile of Serum Vitamin Levels from retrospective records of children and adolescents diagnosed with autism and ADHD. Methodology: This was a retrospective study of children and adolescents who were diagnosed with autism and ADHD and were attending the child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinic at the Department of Psychiatry, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai over the past one year. The Records of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic were referred for the past 1 year for the demographic details and Diagnostic Profile of the sample. The Biochemistry Department Records were referred for the Serum Vitamin D levels of the children and adolescents with autism and ADHD. Results were tabulated in excel sheet and analysed. Institutional Ethics Clearance was obtained. Results: We found that 142 children and adolescents were diagnosed with Autism and ADHD over the past one year. Out of the 142, Serum Vitamin D level records were available for n=70. The sample size n=70 was analyzed further. The mean age was found to be 11.84 years and maximum (80%) were from urban areas. The sex profile of the sample comprised of 41.43% boys and 58.57% girls. As per the Psychiatric Diagnostic Profile, 40% had ADHD, 55.72% had Autism, while 4.28% had both Autism and ADHD. Serum Vitamin D Levels Profile of the entire sample were Normal Vitamin D levels (14.29%), Insufficient Vitamin D Levels (18.57%), Severe Vitamin D deficient levels (37.14%), and very Severe Vitamin D Deficient Levels were seen in 30% of the sample. Conclusion: Our study has further research and clinical Implications in this domain of Vitamin D deficiency and children and adolescents with autism and ADHD.

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