
Vitamin B12 (B12, cobalamin) deficiency has been associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms, suggesting a role for B12 supplementation both as a treatment for psychiatric symptoms due to B12 deficiency and as an augmentation strategy for pharmacological treatments of psychiatric disorders. This critical review discusses the major causes of B12 deficiency, the range of psychiatric and non-psychiatric manifestations of B12 deficiency, the indications for testing B12 levels, and the evidence for B12 supplementation for major psychiatric disorders. We find that high-quality evidence shows no benefit to routine B12 supplementation for mild depressive symptoms or to prevent depression. There is very limited evidence on the role of B12 supplementation to augment antidepressants. No high-quality evidence to date suggests a role for routine B12 supplementation in any other major psychiatric disorder. No formal guidelines indicate when clinicians should test B12 levels for common psychiatric symptoms, in the absence of major risk factors for deficiency or cardinal symptoms of deficiency. No robust evidence currently supports routine B12 supplementation for major psychiatric disorders. However, psychiatrists should be aware of the important risk factors for B12 deficiency and should be able to identify symptoms of B12 deficiency, which requires prompt testing, medical workup, and treatment. Testing for B12 deficiency should be considered for atypical or severe psychiatric presentations.

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