
Haemoglobin, serum vitamin B(12), and serum and red cell folate levels have been measured in 322 pregnant immigrant women in London at their first booking and in a proportion at 34 weeks of gestation and postnatally. The Indian, East-African Indian, and Pakistani and Bangladeshi patients showed significantly lower initial mean serum vitamin B(12) levels than the European group, the levels being lower in Hindu and Sikh patients than in Moslems. The patients of West Indian, Indian, and East-African Indian origin showed significantly lower initial mean haemoglobin levels than the immigrants from European countries. Though there was no overall correlation between haemoglobin and serum vitamin B(12) level the incidence of hypersegmented polymorphs and macrocytosis in the peripheral blood was highest in the Indian and East-African Indian patients, and both these features were particularly frequent in patients with subnormal serum vitamin B(12) levels. Only one patient, however, had overt megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B(12) deficiency. The Indian patients whose red cell folate levels were less than 200 ng/ml also had a lower mean serum vitamin B(12) level than those with red cell folate levels greater than 200 ng/ml. The Indian patients had smaller babies than the Europeans but this was not related to the differences in vitamin B(12) status between the two groups. However, out of 39 babies of the Indian group 5 (13%) showed subnormal serum vitamin B(12) levels in the first 10 days of life, the lowest level being 120 pg/ml.Though there was an overall statistically significant fall in serum vitamin B(12) between first booking and 34 weeks of pregnancy there was no significant fall in serum vitamin B(12) in those who initially had subnormal levels. Thus many Indian women are vitamin B(12) deficient in pregnancy, and this is associated with morphological blood abnormalities in many cases, but megaloblastic anaemia due to this deficiency is relatively infrequent.

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