
Previous articleNext article No AccessVital Variables and Gender Equity in Academe: Confessions from a Feminist Empiricist ProjectJoyce McCarl Nielsen, Robyn Marschke, Elisabeth Sheff, and Patricia RankinJoyce McCarl NielsenDepartment of SociologyUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Nielsen)Office of Institutional ResearchUniversity of Colorado at Colorado Springs (Marschke)Department of SociologyGeorgia State University (Sheff)Department of PhysicsUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Rankin) Search for more articles by this author , Robyn MarschkeDepartment of SociologyUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Nielsen)Office of Institutional ResearchUniversity of Colorado at Colorado Springs (Marschke)Department of SociologyGeorgia State University (Sheff)Department of PhysicsUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Rankin) Search for more articles by this author , Elisabeth SheffDepartment of SociologyUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Nielsen)Office of Institutional ResearchUniversity of Colorado at Colorado Springs (Marschke)Department of SociologyGeorgia State University (Sheff)Department of PhysicsUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Rankin) Search for more articles by this author , and Patricia RankinDepartment of SociologyUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Nielsen)Office of Institutional ResearchUniversity of Colorado at Colorado Springs (Marschke)Department of SociologyGeorgia State University (Sheff)Department of PhysicsUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Rankin) Search for more articles by this author Department of SociologyUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Nielsen)Office of Institutional ResearchUniversity of Colorado at Colorado Springs (Marschke)Department of SociologyGeorgia State University (Sheff)Department of PhysicsUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (Rankin)PDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Signs Volume 31, Number 1Autumn 2005 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/431371 Views: 133Total views on this site Citations: 13Citations are reported from Crossref © 2005 by The University of Chicago. 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