
The paper presents the results of assessing the vital structure of Iris sibirica L. in the conditions of floodplain meadows of the Vyatka River and its tributaries (Kirov region). The total projective coverage of plant communities with I. sibirica varies from 55 to 100 %, the total number of taxa from 35 to 50. Evaluation of the vital structure showed that most of the studied I. sibirica CP are characterized as thriving. These CP have a high quality index (up to 50 %), the predominance of individuals of the highest (up to 52 %) and the absence of individuals of the lowest class of vitality. The CP is depressive with a predominance of individuals of the lowest (up to 50 %) and equilibrium with a predominance of individuals of the middle class of vitality (up to 66.7 %).

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