
In biomedical Doppler radar applications, the return signal is a nonlinear frequency-modulation (NLFM) random process whose phase conveys heart and respiration vital-sign information. These signatures modulate the phase of the signal as two oscillating components with frequencies less than a few hertz. Due to the nonstationary nature of these signals, their analysis by 1-D techniques, temporal and spectral, may not be very useful, and time-frequency techniques may be incapable of accurately extracting their instantaneous frequency (IF) trajectory. In this paper, we present a bootstrap-based generalized warblet transform (GWT) signal processing method. The presented signal processing tool is a parametric method that has a kernel with Fourier-series components. The coefficients of the kernel are estimated by an iteration procedure that converges to the IF of the radar signal. We show theoretically and experimentally that the bootstrap-based GWT can extract the amplitude and frequency of the two vital-sign components at a range of 3 m in the face of low signal-to-noise ratio and in the presence of phase noise and body motion artifacts, achieving an accuracy that is potentially better than conventional methods can provide.

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