
Abstract This database collates vital rate estimates for the common eider (Somateria mollissima), providing a complete demographic parameterization for this slow life‐history species. Monitored across its circumpolar range, the common eider represents a data‐rich exemplar species for the less‐studied seaducks, many of which are under threat. The database contains estimates of the following vital rates: first‐year survival; second‐year survival; adult annual survival; first breeding (both age‐specific recruitment probability, and breeding propensity across potential recruitment ages); breeding propensity of established female breeders; clutch size; hatching success; and fledging success. These estimates are drawn from 134 studies, across the scientific and grey literature, including three previously inaccessible datasets on clutch size that were contributed in response to a call for data through the IUCN Species Survival Commission's Duck Specialist Group. Although clutch size has been much studied, the contributed datasets have enhanced coverage of studies reported in non‐English languages, which were otherwise only represented when cited in English‐language publications. Breeding propensity has been little studied, perhaps because adult females are often assumed to attempt breeding every year; we obtained a mean breeding propensity of 0.72. Our synthesis highlights the following gaps in data availability: juvenile and male survival; population change; and studies from Russia (at least accessible in English). The database is intended to serve population modellers and scientists involved in the policy and practice of seaduck conservation and management.


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Vernd óshólmasvæðisins og skipulagsmál

Árið 2020 var áratugur liðinn frá því Akureyrarbær lét síðast kanna og skrifa skýrslu um fuglalíf í óshólmum Eyjafjarðarár Þ.e. óshólmarnir utan gamla þjóðvegarins, hafði verið kannaður m.t.t. fuglalífs í mörg ár þar á undan og voru þau gögn einnig tekin saman í skýrslu (Ævar Petersen og Sverrir Thorstensen 2001). Einnig skulu nefndar fuglatalningar fyrir Akureyrarbæ við Hundatjörn í Naustaflóa sem hafa verið framkvæmdar sjö sinnum frá árinu 2008 Skipting svæðisins í sex deilisvæði og örnefni sem koma fyrir í skýrslunni eru einnig sýnd. 821 og 829, frá Leiruvegi í norðri að suðurmörkum sem dregin eru með línu milli þjóðvega um suðurodda Staðareyjar. Var það gert til hægðarauka við útivinnu og úrvinnslu gagna og ekki síst vegna þess að fjallað hefur verið sérstaklega um einstaka hluta svæðisins í fyrri umfjöllunum.

Óshólmar norðan gamla þjóðvegar
Hólmar sunnan gamla þjóðvegar
Kjarna- og Hvammsflæðar
Jaðarsvæði við Leiruna
Óshólmar norðan gamla vegar
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