
Deficient working memory was proposed as an endophenotype of schizophrenia. Such deficits are also commonly found in animal models of schizophrenia-like behavior of various origins. An allothetic place avoidance alternation task was proposed as a behavioral test of visuospatial working memory. This study tested the hypothesis that working memory in this test would be impaired by acute pre-test treatment with MK-801 (dizocilpine) in an animal model possessing high phenomenological and predictive validity. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the effect of pretraining to the task prior to treatment on the subsequent learning in the animal model. The results show that both doses of MK-801 (0.12mg/kg and 0.15mg/kg) significantly impaired working memory in the alternation paradigm, and both doses also increased locomotor activity. Notably, in previously pretrained animals, the significant effect of MK-801 on working memory was absent, despite persistent hyperlocomotion. These results showed that a deficit in working memory was detectable in this animal model of schizophrenia-like behavior, but its occurrence depended on the previous experience of animals with familiarization in the task.

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